Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cali Trip: Day 3

Hello everyone!!! Robin here.   Here is our Day 3 of  our Cali trip.  

So we woke up at the Baymont in Warrenton, Mo.  Our accommodations were clean and surprisingly the breakfast wasn't too bad.  They had the make your own waffles and so the kids were happy.  :) 

I took the first leg of the trip.  We drove across Missouri and I don't believe we took any pictures while we were in Missouri.  I guess in comparison there wasn't a lot to see.  I drove to Topeka, KS.  We stopped there for lunch.  While we were driving we saw some people with some very unnerving signs about God hating people and such.  Saddened, I prayed for these people.  They need Jesus' love too.  So we kept on moving and I looked down at my phone to see where we needed to go next and found my explanation.  We were right outside of THE Westboro Baptist church.  It didn't change my opinion; I was still sad and they still need to be touched by Jesus' love, mercy and grace.   It was just a really interesting thing I guess, that's all.  

So then Brian took over driving and I took some pictures of Kansas.  People said it would be boring and mundane but I couldn't get over just how different this area of the country looks compared to where we are from.  We thought it was just beautiful and enjoyed it! 

Some of the scenery in Kansas.

We came across these wind turbines.  I wish the picture did them justice.  As Hailee said they were the "biggest fans I've ever seen!"  I hadn't seen anything like them.  They tower so tall over us and started out only a few at a time.  Then like a suspense movie, you drive over a hill and what you thought were only about 15 turn into hundreds and hundreds of them! It was incredible to see.  While we drove by some that weren't spinning at the time Hailee asked why some of them were "turned off."  She then suggested that "someone probably was cold and turned off the fans."  SO funny! 

This was a beautiful view. There is a reflection off the glass of our drinks but as someone mentioned on Facebook, it looks like flying saucers going over Kansas.  Haha.

So while I was driving my hair was getting annoying and long in my face so I asked Brian if he would help me.  He said, "What do you want me to do?"  I asked if he would put it up for me and he did.  This is the result of an adult male who has never done hair **Edit: Brian states "Hey, I've done hair!"**, doing hair for the first time.   You be the judge. 

Side view of said messy ponytail.  Excited that my hair was out of my face! Haha.

 More Kansas.

 Beautiful clouds and land in Kansas.

 This was in Flagler, Colorado.  We made it to Colorado! Hooray!  We stopped to get gas and Brian took these cute pictures of Hailee.  They are a little dark of her, but you get the idea.  :)

This was when we weren't too far outside of Colorado Springs.  Brian and I were driving together commenting how romantic it felt.  Odd I know- but when you are with your true love, watching one of the most incredible sunsets, on a great adventure with two gorgeous babies you made, it really doesn't get more blissful than that.  <3

 More of the beautiful Colorado sky.

 And we arrived!!! We got to Colorado Springs where Chuck and Melanie Boudreau kindly opened their home to our family.  We were able to crash into bed and sleep like rocks, shower, relax, laugh and visit.  It was not only good for our bodies but our hearts to connect with other people who are after bringing God's kingdom here to earth.  Love love love.
On top of that, I'm pretty sure we have at least one visitor in their family lined up in Redding.  :)

So day three ended at the Boudreau's in Colorado Springs, CO.


  1. Loving the pics! And the "fans" story is hilarious. Can you do videos? We can string 'em together at the end of the trip. Have a good day!

  2. Awesome Awesome Awesome. I need better adjectives to describe, because you are rocking this blog thing. Love reading your updates and seeing the pictures. Keep them coming. Love, Mom

  3. Great stuff. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  4. I love the pictures! How exciting! And I couldn't agree more at the romance of it, I've experienced that same feeling with Rodney!

    Love y'all,

  5. Love the pics and the updates! Keep them coming!

    Love you,
